44th Ipse Meeting

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The Forty-fourth Ipse Meeting will deal with the formidable turbulence endured by Europe, it will give instances of innovative practices in accordance with the solidarity-based societies and propose alternatives to what disunites us. The event will take place in Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland, one of the nations of the United Kingdom which expresses a strong desire for Europe.

 « Another Europe, new spaces for social protection?” »

Four sessions to learn, observe, analyze, exchange and propose

First session : New spaces in geopolitical, economic and social Europe in a changing world

After the Grexit, a project of exclusion which did not happen, the Brexit, real withdrawal, there are now the threats of Frexit and other variations of “Exit”?

The 27 leaders of the member states on March 26th, affirming an indivisible union during the commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome, seem to ignore a multi-speed Europe. However, it has become reality in many ways with the Euro Zone, heterogeneous taxation, opting out…


Displays of territorial egoism, protectionism and strengthening of the belligerence (of the western and eastern neighbors of the European Union and also of the great Asian powers) call into question international co-operation for shared economic development and a saving struggle for an Environment in distress.


What are the consequences for peace, social cohesion, and our systems of solidarity, social security and social market economy?


Second session : The new spaces of work, the adaptation of social protection faced with the fourth industrial revolution

Founded in 1989, at the time of the reunification of Europe, in an economy of social progress, Ipse has since been working on the emergence and manifestation of new modes of job through its European Ipse Meetings. What could be observed with careers disruption and the status of workers, deepened markedly with the digital revolution. Social protection, whether from “social insurance” or “social security”, was essentially built on the continuity of professional practice. Social dialogue has been built up in a dual employer and employee system, but both united by belonging to the same company or professional branch.


It is this sense of belonging that has become too often evanescent. In large enterprises, the return to financial capital has outweighed the entrepreneurial spirit. Many small and medium sized enterprises are often subject to sub-contracting difficulties and call for tenders based on costs. Moreover, even if wage-earning remains the majority, periods of work and non-work tend to become the rule and digitalisation multiplies para-subordination and false self-employment.


Social protection, inseparable from coercive and collective solidarity, must be very adaptable and innovative so that mutualisation enables the solvency and efficiency of social systems for both alternative incomes and access to care


Third session : The new spaces faced with the rise of the environmental risks; the economic paradigm shift and new predictive models

It has been a long time since the major international reinsurers have been alerting to the disastrous economic consequences of environmental problems. This has been so long that non-governmental organizations are trying to alert to take actions to this “burning house.” Cop 21 was the expression of an entire planet that tries to turn back the tide that would lead to catastrophe. But the new American leaders and the irremovable Kremlin ignore such commitments.

It is true that many sustainable development alternatives of to current industrial and energy production patterns can have consequences that lead to difficult economic and social restructuring in the short term, but the gain in jobs and quality of work then prevails.


If these new economic models need major strategies to be implemented, let us also consider the emergence of good, more current, more visible occupational health prevention practices. It is a win-win situation for the cost of basic and complementary social protection, for the life of the company as a whole, for aging healthier.


Fourth Session : The responses of the enterprises of solidarity based social protection for living in harmony

In this Big Bang context, marked by the geopolitical, technological and societal upheavals, many social welfare companies and Ipse partners work and develop solidarity and environmental activities in addition to their job as service providers.


Adequate and innovative actions by mutual and paritarian social protection groups linked with the voluntary sector and its multitude of interests, enable us to react and act as closely as possible to social and environmental needs.


This organized civil society, which is a mutual, paritarian, cooperative and associative civil society, is also a source of proposals to bring Europe to life. Let’s act, contrary to the “everyone for himself” principle, for progress and respect for the person, social innovation that is not conservative but faithful to the founding project of solidarity so that “citizens” rhymes with “living together”.


Download : 44th Ipse Meeting – presentation

44th Ipse Meeting – entry form

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