We have heard it again and again: 2015 will be remembered above all for the violence that plagued every region of the world.
For some, the past year was their first encounter with the suffering that many, near to us or far, have endured for so long, to the point of agony…
For others, fear that this suffering will spread engenders the impulse to build walls, in the naïve hope of staving off women and men seeking to flee the violence; the unwitting victims of geopolitical calculations and economic rivalries.
Ipse’s scope of action includes social protection in its all dimensions, and its legitimacy stems from the trust placed in the organization by solidarity-based social protection providers, social partners and actors in the social economy.
In a volatile world facing an uncertain future, what message can we rightfully and realistically convey?
We persist, with our words and above all our actions, in asserting that social protection, through its central role in regulations governing the nature of competitiveness and growth, must serve to ensure sound and sustainable economic development.
It is also a source of democracy, thanks to its contribution to social ties and a concept of citizenship based on justice and responsibility.
The core of our occupation consists of understanding, analyzing and influencing new technological revolutions. Naturally, at the forefront of these developments stands the stunning rise of digital technologies, a transformative force in our societies. We must also mention the growing dichotomy between the individual and the community and the recognition of personal data unique to each human being.
These developments are at once potential sources of progress and serious perceived or actual threats, especially when it comes to jobs. With our partners and the members of the Ipse community, mutual organizations and social protection groups alike, we are working to better understand our daily life and our future as social actors.
We disseminate our work through our publications, while also publicizing that of our peers. Driven by the strength of our activities, we play our role as a recognized and respected representative before European institutions, as well as in our dealings with other organizations in the European Union.
Our first event in 2016 will be our 15th Professional Seminar on January 29 in Paris, entitled “Complementary Social Protection’s New Clothes: What About Solidarity?”
A 16th Professional Seminar will follow in April. Finally, the 42nd Ipse Meeting will take place in Amsterdam on May 30 and 31, focusing on the digital revolution as seen through impacts on labor law and social protection, the transformation of professional life, and influence on mutual and paritarian organizations. At this conference, we will present innovative practices that are consistent with our founding value: solidarity.
This year will also see a new area of focus for Ipse: vital environmental topics that, while they represent clear threats, also point to tremendous opportunities. We must take part in these prospects through the social economy, driving a new kind of growth that creates quality jobs and thus sustainable social protection.
To conclude this New Year message, we are pleased to announce that Ipse, which has long thrived on the dynamism of its component bodies with nearly 100 representatives of firstly our members and then our partners, is experiencing an evolution in governance, with a new president, Bernard Petit-Jean, has taking on his functions. Moreover, its permanent team has been reorganized and will soon be strengthened.
Our New Year wish for all: let us share the bonds that unite us, in a spirit of conviviality and determination, to foster collective well-being!
Dominique Boucher
general delegate