The Board of Directors is assisted by an Orientation Council responsible for determining the priority themes for reflection, studies and events for the IPSE in connection with the social partners and networks of experts throughout the ‘European Union.
The Orientation Council is a forum for discussion aimed at clarifying the choices made by the IPSE Board of Directors over the long term.
The members of the Orientation Council are persons qualified either by their position as social partners or by their skills as experts acquired in the fields of the social economy, the management of social health systems and replacement income.
Jean-Marie Attard UCANSS |
Cécile Barbier European social law expert (BE) |
Patrizia Bussi Vice-présidente SEE (IT) |
Éva Cantele Forum International ESS |
Dominique Corona UNSA |
François Desriaux Santé & Travail |
Mireille Dispoti CFE-CGC |
Camille Dorival Social affairs journalist |
Giuseppe Guerini CECOP-Europe (UE) |
Nicolas Leblanc Groupe VYV Health Advisor |
Albert Lautman CPAM |
Patrick Lelong Journalist, presenter and speaker |
Denis Stokkink Pour la Solidarité (BE) |